Saturday, March 14, 2009

Getting Sarted

Wow! It is an AMAZING day, I started my NEW blog. No, FALSE, it's a terrible day, the only thing that kept me going was good music. And so I shall share this so called 'inspirational' music to those who care about this blog, and I hope that they may find 'happiness' from the songs I share with them!

Latest Songs For Today: Where to Find
Oh No by Dr. Dog
--- Dr. Dog is a favorite of mine, corky music, but lovable, and this specific song has great instrumental work to it.

Heard Somebody Say by Devendra Banhart
--- Devendra Banhart is simply brilliant, this song's piano is excellent and totally grasps me when I listen to it, it's short but enjoyable, and I would highly recommend Devendra Banhart.

Skeleton Key by Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
--- Good popish type band/song. It has great instrumental stuff, Margot and the Nuclear So and So's has awesome instrumental parts to its songs, the vocals aren't my favorite, but the music -especially percussion- is incredible to me.


  1. good stuff, good stuff. (I'm listening to 'Good Stuff') but seriously, its good.
